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Lower Carbon Emissions, Lower Energy Bills

There are a number of schemes that we can help you access, whether you own your home, rent privately or are a social tenant.

Funding for Energy Efficiency Product Installation

Energy Company Obligation (ECO) Funding

ECO is a designed to lower carbon emissions from houses whilst helping those living in fuel poverty to lower their energy bills and it is available for the installation of floor, roof and wall insulation, heating upgrades and renewables for eligible households across England, Scotland and Wales.

Households are identified as eligible if they are on a low income and vul

nerable to the cold.


The current annual ECO budget is £640m and is increasing to £1bn in April 2022 with funding currently in legislation until 2026.

Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery (GHG LAD)

In July 2020, the Chancellor announced a new stimulus scheme called the Green Homes Grant, with £2bn available to households wishing to increase their energy efficiency.


A large portion of this budget was reallocated to the five energy hubs across England and is now being utilised on the GHG LAD schemes.


These schemes allow local authorities to designate the qualifying criteria meaning the funding gets to those most in need.

The energy efficiency products which can be installed do vary between local authorities and regions, but as we would expect there is a real focus on fabric first with a drive towards renewables such as Solar PV and Air Source Heat Pumps and some replacement glazing and doors.

Solar PV for Social Housing Providers

There is a fund of around £40m available for the installation of Solar PV for social housing properties to install Solar PV. This fund is available on a first come first serve basis and can require up to a 20% contribution but can also fully fund depending on the project.

Assignment of Rights - Renewables

The Assignment of Rights model is for homeowners and landlords who wish to install a renewable heating technology such as Solar PV or Air Source Heat Pumps but do not want to spend their savings, get a loan or pay directly for it.


We engage with businesses who through the AoR model, purchase the system and then benefit from the RHI thereby recouping their investment plus interest.

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